Utility library for embedding V8 Javascript engine in a c++ program
This is the complete list of members for v8toolkit::DebugContext, including all inherited members.
add_function(std::string name, Function function) | v8toolkit::Context | inline |
add_variable(std::string name, v8::Local< v8::Value > variable) | v8toolkit::Context | inline |
compile(const std::string &source, const std::string &filename="Unspecified") | v8toolkit::Context | |
compile(const v8::Local< v8::String > source, const std::string &filename="Unspecified") | v8toolkit::Context | |
compile_from_file(const std::string &filename) | v8toolkit::Context | |
Context(std::shared_ptr< Isolate > isolate_helper, v8::Local< v8::Context > context) | v8toolkit::Context | protected |
DebugContext(std::shared_ptr< v8toolkit::Isolate > isolate_helper, v8::Local< v8::Context > context, short port) | v8toolkit::DebugContext | |
ensureDefaultContextInGroup(int group_id) override | v8toolkit::DebugContext | inline |
expose_variable(std::string name, Variable &variable) | v8toolkit::Context | inline |
expose_variable_readonly(std::string name, Variable &variable) | v8toolkit::Context | inline |
get_base_url() const | v8toolkit::DebugContext | inline |
get_channel() | v8toolkit::DebugContext | inline |
get_context() const | v8toolkit::Context | |
get_frame_id() const | v8toolkit::DebugContext | inline |
get_function_by_id(int64_t script_id) | v8toolkit::Context | |
get_functions() const | v8toolkit::Context | |
get_global_context() const | v8toolkit::Context | |
get_isolate() const | v8toolkit::Context | |
get_isolate_helper() const | v8toolkit::Context | |
get_script_by_id(int64_t script_id) | v8toolkit::Context | |
get_scripts() const | v8toolkit::Context | |
get_session() | v8toolkit::DebugContext | inline |
get_url(std::string const &name) const | v8toolkit::Context | |
get_uuid() const | v8toolkit::Context | |
get_uuid_string() const | v8toolkit::Context | |
isolate | v8toolkit::Context | |
json(const std::string &json) | v8toolkit::Context | |
kContextGroupId | v8toolkit::DebugContext | static |
operator v8::Global< v8::Context >() const | v8toolkit::Context | inline |
operator v8::Isolate *() const | v8toolkit::Context | inline |
operator v8::Local< v8::Context >() const | v8toolkit::Context | inline |
operator()(Callable &&callable) -> std::result_of_t< Callable()> | v8toolkit::Context | inline |
operator()(Callable &&callable) -> std::result_of_t< Callable(v8::Isolate *)> | v8toolkit::Context | inline |
operator()(Callable &&callable) -> typename std::result_of< Callable(v8::Isolate *, v8::Local< v8::Context >)>::type | v8toolkit::Context | inline |
paused | v8toolkit::DebugContext | |
quitMessageLoopOnPause() override | v8toolkit::DebugContext | inlinevirtual |
register_external_function(v8::Global< v8::Function > external_function) | v8toolkit::Context | |
register_external_script(v8::Local< v8::Script > external_script, std::string const &source_code) | v8toolkit::Context | |
require(std::string const &filename, std::vector< std::string > const &paths) | v8toolkit::Context | |
require_directory(std::string const &directory_name) | v8toolkit::Context | |
reset_session() | v8toolkit::DebugContext | |
run(const v8::Global< v8::Script > &script) | v8toolkit::Context | |
run(const std::string &source) | v8toolkit::Context | |
run(const v8::Local< v8::Value > script) | v8toolkit::Context | |
run_async(const std::string &source, std::launch launch_policy=std::launch::async|std::launch::deferred) | v8toolkit::Context | |
run_detached(const v8::Global< v8::Script > &script) | v8toolkit::Context | |
run_detached(const std::string &source) | v8toolkit::Context | |
run_detached(const v8::Local< v8::Value > script) | v8toolkit::Context | |
run_from_file(const std::string &filename) | v8toolkit::Context | |
run_thread(const v8::Global< v8::Script > &script) | v8toolkit::Context | |
run_thread(const std::string &source) | v8toolkit::Context | |
run_thread(const v8::Local< v8::Value > script) | v8toolkit::Context | |
runMessageLoopOnPause(int contextGroupId) override | v8toolkit::DebugContext | inlinevirtual |
shutdown() | v8toolkit::Context | |
wrap_object(T *object) | v8toolkit::Context | |
~Context() | v8toolkit::Context | virtual |