v8toolkit  0.0.1
Utility library for embedding V8 Javascript engine in a c++ program
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //
2 //#pragma once
3 //
4 //#include <string>
5 //
6 //#include "javascript.h"
7 //#include "debugger.h"
8 //
9 //namespace v8toolkit {
10 //
11 //
12 //class Page_GetResourceTree : public RequestMessage {
13 //
14 //public:
15 // Page_GetResourceTree(v8toolkit::DebugContext & debug_context, nlohmann::json const & json);
16 //
17 //
18 // std::unique_ptr<ResponseMessage> generate_response_message() const override;
19 // std::vector<std::unique_ptr<InformationalMessage> > generate_additional_messages() const override;
20 //
21 // static std::string const message_name;
22 //};
23 //
24 //struct PageFrame {
25 // PageFrame();
26 // PageFrame(v8toolkit::DebugContext & context);
27 //
28 // std::string frame_id;
29 // std::string parent_id = "";
30 // std::string network_loader_id;
31 // std::string name; // optional
32 // std::string url;
33 // std::string security_origin;
34 // std::string mime_type = "text/html";
35 //};
36 //
37 //void to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const PageFrame& p);
38 //
39 //
40 //std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const PageFrame &page_frame);
41 //
42 //
43 //struct FrameResource {
44 // FrameResource(DebugContext & debug_context, v8toolkit::Script const &script);
45 //
46 // std::string url;
47 // std::string type = "Script";
48 // std::string mime_type = "text/javascript";
49 //};
50 //
51 //void to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const FrameResource& p);
52 //
53 //std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const FrameResource &frame_resource);
54 //
55 //
56 //struct FrameResourceTree {
57 //
58 //public:
59 // FrameResourceTree(DebugContext & debug_context);
60 // DebugContext & debug_context;
61 // PageFrame page_frame;
62 // std::vector<FrameResourceTree> child_frames;
63 // std::vector<FrameResource> resources;
64 //};
65 //
66 //void to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const FrameResourceTree & frame_resource_tree);
67 //
68 //
69 //class Page_FrameResourceTree : public ResponseMessage {
70 //
71 //public:
72 // Page_FrameResourceTree(RequestMessage const &);
73 // FrameResourceTree const frame_resource_tree;
74 //
75 // nlohmann::json to_json() const override;
76 //};
77 //
78 //std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const FrameResourceTree &frame_resource_tree);
79 //
80 //
81 //} // end v8toolkit namespace