v8toolkit  0.0.1
Utility library for embedding V8 Javascript engine in a c++ program
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
testing::internal Namespace Reference




class  ActionAdaptor
class  ActionHelper
class  ActionResultHolder
class  ActionResultHolder< void >
struct  AddReference
struct  AddReference< T & >
struct  AllOfResult1
struct  AllOfResult10
struct  AllOfResult2
struct  AllOfResult3
struct  AllOfResult4
struct  AllOfResult5
struct  AllOfResult6
struct  AllOfResult7
struct  AllOfResult8
struct  AllOfResult9
struct  AnyEq
struct  AnyGe
struct  AnyGt
struct  AnyLe
struct  AnyLt
class  AnyMatcherImpl
struct  AnyNe
struct  AnyOfResult1
struct  AnyOfResult10
struct  AnyOfResult2
struct  AnyOfResult3
struct  AnyOfResult4
struct  AnyOfResult5
struct  AnyOfResult6
struct  AnyOfResult7
struct  AnyOfResult8
struct  AnyOfResult9
class  AnythingMatcher
class  ArgsMatcher
class  ArgsMatcherImpl
class  AssertHelper
class  AssignAction
class  BeginEndDistanceIsMatcher
struct  bool_constant
struct  BooleanConstant
class  BothOfMatcher
class  BothOfMatcherImpl
class  BoundSecondMatcher
class  BuiltInDefaultValue
class  BuiltInDefaultValue< const T >
class  BuiltInDefaultValue< T * >
struct  BuiltInDefaultValueGetter
struct  BuiltInDefaultValueGetter< T, false >
struct  ByMoveWrapper
struct  CallableTraits
struct  CallableTraits< ResType(*)(ArgType)>
struct  CastAndAppendTransform
struct  CodeLocation
class  ComparisonBase
struct  CompileAssert
struct  CompileAssertTypesEqual
struct  CompileAssertTypesEqual< T, T >
struct  ConstCharPtr
class  ContainerEqMatcher
class  ContainsMatcher
class  ContainsMatcherImpl
struct  DecayArray
struct  DecayArray< T[]>
struct  DecayArray< T[N]>
class  DefaultGlobalTestPartResultReporter
class  DefaultPerThreadTestPartResultReporter
class  DoBothAction
class  DoDefaultAction
class  DummyMatchResultListener
class  EachMatcher
class  EachMatcherImpl
class  EitherOfMatcher
class  EitherOfMatcherImpl
class  ElementsAreArrayMatcher
class  ElementsAreMatcher
class  ElementsAreMatcherImpl
struct  EnableIf
struct  EnableIf< true >
class  EndsWithMatcher
class  Eq2Matcher
class  EqHelper
class  EqHelper< true >
class  EqMatcher
struct  ExcessiveArg
class  ExpectationBase
class  FieldMatcher
class  FilePath
class  FloatingEqMatcher
class  FloatingPoint
class  FormatForComparison
class  FormatForComparison< ToPrint[N], OtherOperand >
struct  Function
struct  Function< R(A1)>
struct  Function< R(A1, A2)>
struct  Function< R(A1, A2, A3)>
struct  Function< R(A1, A2, A3, A4)>
struct  Function< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5)>
struct  Function< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6)>
struct  Function< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7)>
struct  Function< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8)>
struct  Function< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9)>
struct  Function< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10)>
class  FunctionMocker
class  FunctionMocker< R(A1)>
class  FunctionMocker< R(A1, A2)>
class  FunctionMocker< R(A1, A2, A3)>
class  FunctionMocker< R(A1, A2, A3, A4)>
class  FunctionMocker< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5)>
class  FunctionMocker< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6)>
class  FunctionMocker< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7)>
class  FunctionMocker< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8)>
class  FunctionMocker< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9)>
class  FunctionMocker< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10)>
class  FunctionMockerBase
class  Ge2Matcher
class  GeMatcher
class  Gt2Matcher
class  GTestFlagSaver
class  GTestLog
class  GTestMutexLock
class  GtMatcher
class  HasNewFatalFailureHelper
class  HasSubstrMatcher
class  IgnoredValue
class  IgnoreResultAction
class  ImplicitlyConvertible
class  InvokeAction
class  InvokeHelper
class  InvokeHelper< R,::testing::tuple< A1 > >
class  InvokeHelper< R,::testing::tuple< A1, A2 > >
class  InvokeHelper< R,::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3 > >
class  InvokeHelper< R,::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4 > >
class  InvokeHelper< R,::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 > >
class  InvokeHelper< R,::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 > >
class  InvokeHelper< R,::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7 > >
class  InvokeHelper< R,::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8 > >
class  InvokeHelper< R,::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9 > >
class  InvokeHelper< R,::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10 > >
class  InvokeHelper< R,::testing::tuple<> >
class  InvokeMethodAction
class  InvokeMethodWithoutArgsAction
class  InvokeWithoutArgsAction
struct  is_pointer
struct  is_pointer< T * >
struct  is_reference
struct  is_reference< T & >
struct  IsAProtocolMessage
class  IsNullMatcher
struct  IteratorTraits
struct  IteratorTraits< const T * >
struct  IteratorTraits< T * >
class  KeyMatcher
class  KeyMatcherImpl
struct  KindOf
class  Le2Matcher
class  LeMatcher
struct  LessComparator
class  linked_ptr
class  linked_ptr_internal
struct  LinkedPtrLessThan
struct  LosslessArithmeticConvertibleImpl
struct  LosslessArithmeticConvertibleImpl< kBool, bool, kBool, bool >
struct  LosslessArithmeticConvertibleImpl< kBool, bool, kFloatingPoint, To >
struct  LosslessArithmeticConvertibleImpl< kBool, bool, kInteger, To >
struct  LosslessArithmeticConvertibleImpl< kFloatingPoint, From, kBool, bool >
struct  LosslessArithmeticConvertibleImpl< kFloatingPoint, From, kInteger, To >
struct  LosslessArithmeticConvertibleImpl< kInteger, From, kBool, bool >
struct  LosslessArithmeticConvertibleImpl< kInteger, From, kFloatingPoint, To >
struct  LosslessArithmeticConvertibleImpl< kInteger, From, kInteger, To >
class  Lt2Matcher
class  LtMatcher
class  MatcherAsPredicate
class  MatcherBase
class  MatcherCastImpl
class  MatcherCastImpl< T, Matcher< T > >
class  MatcherCastImpl< T, Matcher< U > >
struct  MatcherTuple
struct  MatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1 > >
struct  MatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2 > >
struct  MatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3 > >
struct  MatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4 > >
struct  MatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 > >
struct  MatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 > >
struct  MatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7 > >
struct  MatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8 > >
struct  MatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9 > >
struct  MatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10 > >
struct  MatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple<> >
class  MatchesRegexMatcher
class  MatchMatrix
class  MockSpec
class  Mutex
class  NativeArray
class  Ne2Matcher
class  NeMatcher
class  NotMatcher
class  NotMatcherImpl
class  NotNullMatcher
class  OnCallSpec
class  OsStackTraceGetter
class  OsStackTraceGetterInterface
class  PairMatchBase
class  PairMatcher
class  PairMatcherImpl
class  PointeeMatcher
struct  PointeeOf
struct  PointeeOf< T * >
class  PointwiseMatcher
class  PredicateFormatterFromMatcher
class  PropertyMatcher
class  QuantifierMatcherImpl
class  Random
class  RE
class  ReferenceOrValueWrapper
class  ReferenceOrValueWrapper< T & >
class  ReferenceWrapper
class  RefMatcher
class  RefMatcher< T & >
struct  RelationToSourceCopy
struct  RelationToSourceReference
struct  remove_reference
struct  remove_reference< T & >
struct  RemoveConst
struct  RemoveConst< const T >
struct  RemoveConst< const T[N]>
struct  RemoveConstFromKey
struct  RemoveConstFromKey< std::pair< const K, V > >
struct  RemoveReference
struct  RemoveReference< T & >
class  ResultOfMatcher
class  ReturnAction
class  ReturnNullAction
class  ReturnRefAction
class  ReturnRefOfCopyAction
class  ReturnVoidAction
class  scoped_ptr
class  ScopedTrace
class  SelectArgs
class  SelectArgs< Result, ArgumentTuple, -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 >
class  SelectArgs< Result, ArgumentTuple, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8, k9,-1 >
class  SelectArgs< Result, ArgumentTuple, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8,-1,-1 >
class  SelectArgs< Result, ArgumentTuple, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7,-1,-1,-1 >
class  SelectArgs< Result, ArgumentTuple, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6,-1,-1,-1,-1 >
class  SelectArgs< Result, ArgumentTuple, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 >
class  SelectArgs< Result, ArgumentTuple, k1, k2, k3, k4,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 >
class  SelectArgs< Result, ArgumentTuple, k1, k2, k3,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 >
class  SelectArgs< Result, ArgumentTuple, k1, k2,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 >
class  SelectArgs< Result, ArgumentTuple, k1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 >
class  SetArgumentPointeeAction
class  SetArgumentPointeeAction< N, Proto, true >
class  SetErrnoAndReturnAction
class  SingleFailureChecker
class  SizeIsMatcher
class  StartsWithMatcher
struct  StaticAssertTypeEqHelper
struct  StaticAssertTypeEqHelper< T, T >
class  StlContainerView
class  StlContainerView< ::testing::tuple< ElementPointer, Size > >
class  StlContainerView< Element[N]>
class  StreamMatchResultListener
class  StrEqualityMatcher
class  String
class  TestFactoryBase
class  TestFactoryImpl
class  TestPropertyKeyIs
class  TestResultAccessor
class  ThreadLocal
struct  TraceInfo
class  TransformTupleValuesHelper
class  TrulyMatcher
class  TupleFields
class  TupleFields< Tuple, k0, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8,-1 >
class  TupleFields< Tuple, k0, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7,-1,-1 >
class  TupleFields< Tuple, k0, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6,-1,-1,-1 >
class  TupleFields< Tuple, k0, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5,-1,-1,-1,-1 >
class  TupleFields< Tuple, k0, k1, k2, k3, k4,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 >
class  TupleFields< Tuple, k0, k1, k2, k3,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 >
class  TupleFields< Tuple, k0, k1, k2,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 >
class  TupleFields< Tuple, k0, k1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 >
class  TupleFields< Tuple, k0,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 >
class  TupleFields< Tuple,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 >
struct  TuplePolicy
class  TuplePrefix
class  TuplePrefix< 0 >
struct  type_equals
struct  type_equals< T, T >
class  TypedExpectation
class  TypeIdHelper
class  TypeWithSize
class  TypeWithSize< 4 >
class  TypeWithSize< 8 >
class  UnitTestImpl
class  UnitTestOptions
class  UniversalPrinter
class  UniversalPrinter< T & >
class  UniversalPrinter< T[N]>
class  UniversalTersePrinter
class  UniversalTersePrinter< char * >
class  UniversalTersePrinter< const char * >
class  UniversalTersePrinter< T & >
class  UniversalTersePrinter< T[N]>
class  UniversalTersePrinter< wchar_t * >
class  UnorderedElementsAreArrayMatcher
class  UnorderedElementsAreMatcher
class  UnorderedElementsAreMatcherImpl
class  UnorderedElementsAreMatcherImplBase
class  UntypedActionResultHolderBase
class  UntypedFunctionMockerBase
class  UntypedOnCallSpecBase
class  WhenDynamicCastToMatcher
class  WhenDynamicCastToMatcher< To & >
class  WhenDynamicCastToMatcherBase
class  WhenSortedByMatcher
class  WithArgsAction


typedef ::std::pair< size_t, size_t > ElementMatcherPair
typedef ::std::vector< ElementMatcherPairElementMatcherPairs
typedef ::std::vector< stringStrings
typedef FloatingPoint< float > Float
typedef FloatingPoint< double > Double
typedef const void * TypeId
typedef void(* SetUpTestCaseFunc) ()
typedef void(* TearDownTestCaseFunc) ()
typedef int IsContainer
typedef char IsNotContainer
typedef ::std::string string
typedef ::std::wstring wstring
typedef GTestMutexLock MutexLock
typedef bool_constant< false > false_type
typedef bool_constant< true > true_type
typedef long long BiggestInt
typedef TypeWithSize< 4 >::Int Int32
typedef TypeWithSize< 4 >::UInt UInt32
typedef TypeWithSize< 8 >::Int Int64
typedef TypeWithSize< 8 >::UInt UInt64
typedef TypeWithSize< 8 >::Int TimeInMillis


enum  CallReaction { kAllow, kWarn, kFail, kDefault = kWarn }
enum  TypeKind { kBool, kInteger, kFloatingPoint, kOther }
enum  LogSeverity { kInfo = 0, kWarning = 1 }


template<typename T >
void PrintTo (const ReferenceWrapper< T > &ref,::std::ostream *os)
void PrintIfNotEmpty (const internal::string &explanation,::std::ostream *os)
bool IsReadableTypeName (const string &type_name)
template<typename Value , typename T >
bool MatchPrintAndExplain (Value &value, const Matcher< T > &matcher, MatchResultListener *listener)
template<typename MatcherTuple , typename ValueTuple >
bool TupleMatches (const MatcherTuple &matcher_tuple, const ValueTuple &value_tuple)
template<typename MatcherTuple , typename ValueTuple >
void ExplainMatchFailureTupleTo (const MatcherTuple &matchers, const ValueTuple &values,::std::ostream *os)
template<typename Tuple , typename Func , typename OutIter >
OutIter TransformTupleValues (Func f, const Tuple &t, OutIter out)
bool CaseInsensitiveCStringEquals (const char *lhs, const char *rhs)
bool CaseInsensitiveCStringEquals (const wchar_t *lhs, const wchar_t *rhs)
template<typename StringType >
bool CaseInsensitiveStringEquals (const StringType &s1, const StringType &s2)
template<typename M >
PredicateFormatterFromMatcher< M > MakePredicateFormatterFromMatcher (M matcher)
GTEST_API_ ElementMatcherPairs FindMaxBipartiteMatching (const MatchMatrix &g)
GTEST_API_ bool FindPairing (const MatchMatrix &matrix, MatchResultListener *listener)
template<typename Tuple2Matcher , typename Second >
BoundSecondMatcher< Tuple2Matcher, Second > MatcherBindSecond (const Tuple2Matcher &tm, const Second &second)
GTEST_API_ string FormatMatcherDescription (bool negation, const char *matcher_name, const Strings &param_values)
template<typename InputIterator , typename OutputIterator >
OutputIterator CopyElements (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator output)
GTEST_API_ void LogWithLocation (testing::internal::LogSeverity severity, const char *file, int line, const string &message)
void ReportUninterestingCall (CallReaction reaction, const string &msg)
GTEST_API_ string ConvertIdentifierNameToWords (const char *id_name)
template<typename Pointer >
const Pointer::element_type * GetRawPointer (const Pointer &p)
template<typename Element >
Element * GetRawPointer (Element *p)
 GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_ (bool, kBool)
 GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_ (char, kInteger)
 GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_ (signed char, kInteger)
 GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_ (unsigned char, kInteger)
 GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_ (short, kInteger)
 GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_ (int, kInteger)
 GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_ (long, kInteger)
 GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_ (wchar_t, kInteger)
 GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_ (Int64, kInteger)
 GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_ (UInt64, kInteger)
 GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_ (float, kFloatingPoint)
 GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_ (double, kFloatingPoint)
 GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_ (long double, kFloatingPoint)
template<typename From , typename To >
void Assert (bool condition, const char *file, int line)
void Expect (bool condition, const char *file, int line, const string &msg)
void Expect (bool condition, const char *file, int line)
GTEST_API_ bool LogIsVisible (LogSeverity severity)
GTEST_API_ void Log (LogSeverity severity, const string &message, int stack_frames_to_skip)
template<typename T >
Invalid ()
template<typename T >
std::string StreamableToString (const T &streamable)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
std::string FormatForComparisonFailureMessage (const T1 &value, const T2 &)
template<typename T >
void UniversalPrint (const T &value,::std::ostream *os)
template<typename C >
void DefaultPrintTo (IsContainer, false_type, const C &container,::std::ostream *os)
template<typename T >
void DefaultPrintTo (IsNotContainer, true_type, T *p,::std::ostream *os)
template<typename T >
void DefaultPrintTo (IsNotContainer, false_type, const T &value,::std::ostream *os)
template<typename T >
void PrintTo (const T &value,::std::ostream *os)
GTEST_API_ void PrintTo (unsigned char c,::std::ostream *os)
GTEST_API_ void PrintTo (signed char c,::std::ostream *os)
void PrintTo (char c,::std::ostream *os)
void PrintTo (bool x,::std::ostream *os)
GTEST_API_ void PrintTo (wchar_t wc,::std::ostream *os)
GTEST_API_ void PrintTo (const char *s,::std::ostream *os)
void PrintTo (char *s,::std::ostream *os)
void PrintTo (const signed char *s,::std::ostream *os)
void PrintTo (signed char *s,::std::ostream *os)
void PrintTo (const unsigned char *s,::std::ostream *os)
void PrintTo (unsigned char *s,::std::ostream *os)
GTEST_API_ void PrintTo (const wchar_t *s,::std::ostream *os)
void PrintTo (wchar_t *s,::std::ostream *os)
template<typename T >
void PrintRawArrayTo (const T a[], size_t count,::std::ostream *os)
GTEST_API_ void PrintStringTo (const ::std::string &s,::std::ostream *os)
void PrintTo (const ::std::string &s,::std::ostream *os)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
void PrintTo (const ::std::pair< T1, T2 > &value,::std::ostream *os)
template<typename T >
void UniversalPrintArray (const T *begin, size_t len,::std::ostream *os)
GTEST_API_ void UniversalPrintArray (const char *begin, size_t len,::std::ostream *os)
GTEST_API_ void UniversalPrintArray (const wchar_t *begin, size_t len,::std::ostream *os)
template<typename T >
void UniversalTersePrint (const T &value,::std::ostream *os)
class UnitTestImplGetUnitTestImpl ()
void ReportFailureInUnknownLocation (TestPartResult::Type result_type, const std::string &message)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
AssertionResult CmpHelperEQFailure (const char *lhs_expression, const char *rhs_expression, const T1 &lhs, const T2 &rhs)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
AssertionResult CmpHelperEQ (const char *lhs_expression, const char *rhs_expression, const T1 &lhs, const T2 &rhs)
GTEST_API_ AssertionResult CmpHelperEQ (const char *lhs_expression, const char *rhs_expression, BiggestInt lhs, BiggestInt rhs)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
AssertionResult CmpHelperOpFailure (const char *expr1, const char *expr2, const T1 &val1, const T2 &val2, const char *op)
GTEST_API_ AssertionResult CmpHelperSTREQ (const char *s1_expression, const char *s2_expression, const char *s1, const char *s2)
GTEST_API_ AssertionResult CmpHelperSTRCASEEQ (const char *s1_expression, const char *s2_expression, const char *s1, const char *s2)
GTEST_API_ AssertionResult CmpHelperSTRNE (const char *s1_expression, const char *s2_expression, const char *s1, const char *s2)
GTEST_API_ AssertionResult CmpHelperSTRCASENE (const char *s1_expression, const char *s2_expression, const char *s1, const char *s2)
GTEST_API_ AssertionResult CmpHelperSTREQ (const char *s1_expression, const char *s2_expression, const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2)
GTEST_API_ AssertionResult CmpHelperSTRNE (const char *s1_expression, const char *s2_expression, const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2)
template<typename RawType >
AssertionResult CmpHelperFloatingPointEQ (const char *lhs_expression, const char *rhs_expression, RawType lhs_value, RawType rhs_value)
GTEST_API_ AssertionResult DoubleNearPredFormat (const char *expr1, const char *expr2, const char *abs_error_expr, double val1, double val2, double abs_error)
 GTEST_DECLARE_string_ (internal_run_death_test)
char IsNullLiteralHelper (Secret *p)
char(& IsNullLiteralHelper (...))[2]
GTEST_API_ std::string AppendUserMessage (const std::string &gtest_msg, const Message &user_msg)
GTEST_API_ std::string DiffStrings (const std::string &left, const std::string &right, size_t *total_line_count)
GTEST_API_ AssertionResult EqFailure (const char *expected_expression, const char *actual_expression, const std::string &expected_value, const std::string &actual_value, bool ignoring_case)
GTEST_API_ std::string GetBoolAssertionFailureMessage (const AssertionResult &assertion_result, const char *expression_text, const char *actual_predicate_value, const char *expected_predicate_value)
template<typename T >
TypeId GetTypeId ()
GTEST_API_ TypeId GetTestTypeId ()
GTEST_API_ TestInfoMakeAndRegisterTestInfo (const char *test_case_name, const char *name, const char *type_param, const char *value_param, CodeLocation code_location, TypeId fixture_class_id, SetUpTestCaseFunc set_up_tc, TearDownTestCaseFunc tear_down_tc, TestFactoryBase *factory)
GTEST_API_ bool SkipPrefix (const char *prefix, const char **pstr)
GTEST_API_ std::string GetCurrentOsStackTraceExceptTop (UnitTest *unit_test, int skip_count)
GTEST_API_ bool AlwaysTrue ()
bool AlwaysFalse ()
template<class C >
IsContainer IsContainerTest (int, typename C::iterator *=NULL, typename C::const_iterator *=NULL)
template<class C >
IsNotContainer IsContainerTest (long)
template<typename T , typename U >
bool ArrayEq (const T *lhs, size_t size, const U *rhs)
template<typename T , typename U >
bool ArrayEq (const T &lhs, const U &rhs)
template<typename T , typename U , size_t N>
bool ArrayEq (const T(&lhs)[N], const U(&rhs)[N])
template<typename Iter , typename Element >
Iter ArrayAwareFind (Iter begin, Iter end, const Element &elem)
template<typename T , typename U >
void CopyArray (const T *from, size_t size, U *to)
template<typename T , typename U >
void CopyArray (const T &from, U *to)
template<typename T , typename U , size_t N>
void CopyArray (const T(&from)[N], U(*to)[N])
template<typename T >
bool operator== (T *ptr, const linked_ptr< T > &x)
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (T *ptr, const linked_ptr< T > &x)
template<typename T >
linked_ptr< T > make_linked_ptr (T *ptr)
GTEST_API_ bool IsTrue (bool condition)
GTEST_API_::std::string FormatFileLocation (const char *file, int line)
GTEST_API_::std::string FormatCompilerIndependentFileLocation (const char *file, int line)
void LogToStderr ()
void FlushInfoLog ()
template<typename T >
const T & move (const T &t)
template<typename To >
To ImplicitCast_ (To x)
template<typename To , typename From >
To DownCast_ (From *f)
template<class Derived , class Base >
Derived * CheckedDowncastToActualType (Base *base)
GTEST_API_ void CaptureStdout ()
GTEST_API_ std::string GetCapturedStdout ()
GTEST_API_ void CaptureStderr ()
GTEST_API_ std::string GetCapturedStderr ()
GTEST_API_ std::string TempDir ()
GTEST_API_ size_t GetFileSize (FILE *file)
GTEST_API_ std::string ReadEntireFile (FILE *file)
GTEST_API_ const ::std::vector< testing::internal::string > & GetArgvs ()
GTEST_API_ size_t GetThreadCount ()
bool IsAlpha (char ch)
bool IsAlNum (char ch)
bool IsDigit (char ch)
bool IsLower (char ch)
bool IsSpace (char ch)
bool IsUpper (char ch)
bool IsXDigit (char ch)
bool IsXDigit (wchar_t ch)
char ToLower (char ch)
char ToUpper (char ch)
std::string StripTrailingSpaces (std::string str)
bool ParseInt32 (const Message &src_text, const char *str, Int32 *value)
bool BoolFromGTestEnv (const char *flag, bool default_val)
GTEST_API_ Int32 Int32FromGTestEnv (const char *flag, Int32 default_val)
std::string StringFromGTestEnv (const char *flag, const char *default_val)
GTEST_API_ std::string StringStreamToString (::std::stringstream *stream)
template<typename T >
std::string GetTypeName ()
GTEST_API_ TimeInMillis GetTimeInMillis ()
GTEST_API_ bool ShouldUseColor (bool stdout_is_tty)
GTEST_API_ std::string FormatTimeInMillisAsSeconds (TimeInMillis ms)
GTEST_API_ std::string FormatEpochTimeInMillisAsIso8601 (TimeInMillis ms)
GTEST_API_ bool ParseInt32Flag (const char *str, const char *flag, Int32 *value)
int GetRandomSeedFromFlag (Int32 random_seed_flag)
int GetNextRandomSeed (int seed)
GTEST_API_ std::string CodePointToUtf8 (UInt32 code_point)
GTEST_API_ std::string WideStringToUtf8 (const wchar_t *str, int num_chars)
void WriteToShardStatusFileIfNeeded ()
GTEST_API_ bool ShouldShard (const char *total_shards_str, const char *shard_index_str, bool in_subprocess_for_death_test)
GTEST_API_ Int32 Int32FromEnvOrDie (const char *env_var, Int32 default_val)
GTEST_API_ bool ShouldRunTestOnShard (int total_shards, int shard_index, int test_id)
template<class Container , typename Predicate >
int CountIf (const Container &c, Predicate predicate)
template<class Container , typename Functor >
void ForEach (const Container &c, Functor functor)
template<typename E >
GetElementOr (const std::vector< E > &v, int i, E default_value)
template<typename E >
void ShuffleRange (internal::Random *random, int begin, int end, std::vector< E > *v)
template<typename E >
void Shuffle (internal::Random *random, std::vector< E > *v)
template<typename T >
static void Delete (T *x)
GTEST_API_ FilePath GetCurrentExecutableName ()
GTEST_API_ void ParseGoogleTestFlagsOnly (int *argc, char **argv)
GTEST_API_ void ParseGoogleTestFlagsOnly (int *argc, wchar_t **argv)


GTEST_API_ ThreadLocal< Sequence * > g_gmock_implicit_sequence
const char kInfoVerbosity [] = "info"
const char kWarningVerbosity [] = "warning"
const char kErrorVerbosity [] = "error"
const char kDeathTestStyleFlag [] = "death_test_style"
const char kDeathTestUseFork [] = "death_test_use_fork"
const char kInternalRunDeathTestFlag [] = "internal_run_death_test"
GTEST_API_ const char kStackTraceMarker []
class GTEST_API_ testing::internal::ScopedTrace GTEST_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED_
const BiggestInt kMaxBiggestInt
GTEST_API_ const TypeId kTestTypeIdInGoogleTest
const char kAlsoRunDisabledTestsFlag [] = "also_run_disabled_tests"
const char kBreakOnFailureFlag [] = "break_on_failure"
const char kCatchExceptionsFlag [] = "catch_exceptions"
const char kColorFlag [] = "color"
const char kFilterFlag [] = "filter"
const char kListTestsFlag [] = "list_tests"
const char kOutputFlag [] = "output"
const char kPrintTimeFlag [] = "print_time"
const char kRandomSeedFlag [] = "random_seed"
const char kRepeatFlag [] = "repeat"
const char kShuffleFlag [] = "shuffle"
const char kStackTraceDepthFlag [] = "stack_trace_depth"
const char kStreamResultToFlag [] = "stream_result_to"
const char kThrowOnFailureFlag [] = "throw_on_failure"
const char kFlagfileFlag [] = "flagfile"
const int kMaxRandomSeed = 99999
GTEST_API_ bool g_help_flag

Class Documentation

struct testing::internal::AddReference

template<typename T>
struct testing::internal::AddReference< T >

Definition at line 830 of file gtest-internal.h.

Class Members
typedef T & type
struct testing::internal::AddReference< T & >

template<typename T>
struct testing::internal::AddReference< T & >

Definition at line 832 of file gtest-internal.h.

Class Members
typedef T & type
struct testing::internal::AllOfResult1

template<typename M1>
struct testing::internal::AllOfResult1< M1 >

Definition at line 305 of file gmock-generated-matchers.h.

Class Members
typedef M1 type
struct testing::internal::AllOfResult10

template<typename M1, typename M2, typename M3, typename M4, typename M5, typename M6, typename M7, typename M8, typename M9, typename M10>
struct testing::internal::AllOfResult10< M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8, M9, M10 >

Definition at line 379 of file gmock-generated-matchers.h.

Class Members
typedef BothOfMatcher
< typename AllOfResult5< M1,
M2, M3, M4, M5 >::type,
typename AllOfResult5< M6, M7,
M8, M9, M10 >::type >
struct testing::internal::AllOfResult2

template<typename M1, typename M2>
struct testing::internal::AllOfResult2< M1, M2 >

Definition at line 310 of file gmock-generated-matchers.h.

Class Members
typedef BothOfMatcher
< typename AllOfResult1< M1 >
::type, typename AllOfResult1
< M2 >::type >
struct testing::internal::AllOfResult3

template<typename M1, typename M2, typename M3>
struct testing::internal::AllOfResult3< M1, M2, M3 >

Definition at line 318 of file gmock-generated-matchers.h.

Class Members
typedef BothOfMatcher
< typename AllOfResult1< M1 >
::type, typename AllOfResult2
< M2, M3 >::type >
struct testing::internal::AllOfResult4

template<typename M1, typename M2, typename M3, typename M4>
struct testing::internal::AllOfResult4< M1, M2, M3, M4 >

Definition at line 326 of file gmock-generated-matchers.h.

Class Members
typedef BothOfMatcher
< typename AllOfResult2< M1,
M2 >::type, typename
AllOfResult2< M3, M4 >::type >
struct testing::internal::AllOfResult5

template<typename M1, typename M2, typename M3, typename M4, typename M5>
struct testing::internal::AllOfResult5< M1, M2, M3, M4, M5 >

Definition at line 334 of file gmock-generated-matchers.h.

Class Members
typedef BothOfMatcher
< typename AllOfResult2< M1,
M2 >::type, typename
AllOfResult3< M3, M4, M5 >
::type >
struct testing::internal::AllOfResult6

template<typename M1, typename M2, typename M3, typename M4, typename M5, typename M6>
struct testing::internal::AllOfResult6< M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6 >

Definition at line 343 of file gmock-generated-matchers.h.

Class Members
typedef BothOfMatcher
< typename AllOfResult3< M1,
M2, M3 >::type, typename
AllOfResult3< M4, M5, M6 >
::type >
struct testing::internal::AllOfResult7

template<typename M1, typename M2, typename M3, typename M4, typename M5, typename M6, typename M7>
struct testing::internal::AllOfResult7< M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7 >

Definition at line 352 of file gmock-generated-matchers.h.

Class Members
typedef BothOfMatcher
< typename AllOfResult3< M1,
M2, M3 >::type, typename
AllOfResult4< M4, M5, M6, M7 >
::type >
struct testing::internal::AllOfResult8

template<typename M1, typename M2, typename M3, typename M4, typename M5, typename M6, typename M7, typename M8>
struct testing::internal::AllOfResult8< M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8 >

Definition at line 361 of file gmock-generated-matchers.h.

Class Members
typedef BothOfMatcher
< typename AllOfResult4< M1,
M2, M3, M4 >::type, typename
AllOfResult4< M5, M6, M7, M8 >
::type >
struct testing::internal::AllOfResult9

template<typename M1, typename M2, typename M3, typename M4, typename M5, typename M6, typename M7, typename M8, typename M9>
struct testing::internal::AllOfResult9< M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8, M9 >

Definition at line 370 of file gmock-generated-matchers.h.

Class Members
typedef BothOfMatcher
< typename AllOfResult4< M1,
M2, M3, M4 >::type, typename
AllOfResult5< M5, M6, M7, M8,
M9 >::type >
struct testing::internal::AnyOfResult1

template<typename M1>
struct testing::internal::AnyOfResult1< M1 >

Definition at line 393 of file gmock-generated-matchers.h.

Class Members
typedef M1 type
struct testing::internal::AnyOfResult10

template<typename M1, typename M2, typename M3, typename M4, typename M5, typename M6, typename M7, typename M8, typename M9, typename M10>
struct testing::internal::AnyOfResult10< M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8, M9, M10 >

Definition at line 467 of file gmock-generated-matchers.h.

Class Members
typedef EitherOfMatcher
< typename AnyOfResult5< M1,
M2, M3, M4, M5 >::type,
typename AnyOfResult5< M6, M7,
M8, M9, M10 >::type >
struct testing::internal::AnyOfResult2

template<typename M1, typename M2>
struct testing::internal::AnyOfResult2< M1, M2 >

Definition at line 398 of file gmock-generated-matchers.h.

Class Members
typedef EitherOfMatcher
< typename AnyOfResult1< M1 >
::type, typename AnyOfResult1
< M2 >::type >
struct testing::internal::AnyOfResult3

template<typename M1, typename M2, typename M3>
struct testing::internal::AnyOfResult3< M1, M2, M3 >

Definition at line 406 of file gmock-generated-matchers.h.

Class Members
typedef EitherOfMatcher
< typename AnyOfResult1< M1 >
::type, typename AnyOfResult2
< M2, M3 >::type >
struct testing::internal::AnyOfResult4

template<typename M1, typename M2, typename M3, typename M4>
struct testing::internal::AnyOfResult4< M1, M2, M3, M4 >

Definition at line 414 of file gmock-generated-matchers.h.

Class Members
typedef EitherOfMatcher
< typename AnyOfResult2< M1,
M2 >::type, typename
AnyOfResult2< M3, M4 >::type >
struct testing::internal::AnyOfResult5

template<typename M1, typename M2, typename M3, typename M4, typename M5>
struct testing::internal::AnyOfResult5< M1, M2, M3, M4, M5 >

Definition at line 422 of file gmock-generated-matchers.h.

Class Members
typedef EitherOfMatcher
< typename AnyOfResult2< M1,
M2 >::type, typename
AnyOfResult3< M3, M4, M5 >
::type >
struct testing::internal::AnyOfResult6

template<typename M1, typename M2, typename M3, typename M4, typename M5, typename M6>
struct testing::internal::AnyOfResult6< M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6 >

Definition at line 431 of file gmock-generated-matchers.h.

Class Members
typedef EitherOfMatcher
< typename AnyOfResult3< M1,
M2, M3 >::type, typename
AnyOfResult3< M4, M5, M6 >
::type >
struct testing::internal::AnyOfResult7

template<typename M1, typename M2, typename M3, typename M4, typename M5, typename M6, typename M7>
struct testing::internal::AnyOfResult7< M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7 >

Definition at line 440 of file gmock-generated-matchers.h.

Class Members
typedef EitherOfMatcher
< typename AnyOfResult3< M1,
M2, M3 >::type, typename
AnyOfResult4< M4, M5, M6, M7 >
::type >
struct testing::internal::AnyOfResult8

template<typename M1, typename M2, typename M3, typename M4, typename M5, typename M6, typename M7, typename M8>
struct testing::internal::AnyOfResult8< M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8 >

Definition at line 449 of file gmock-generated-matchers.h.

Class Members
typedef EitherOfMatcher
< typename AnyOfResult4< M1,
M2, M3, M4 >::type, typename
AnyOfResult4< M5, M6, M7, M8 >
::type >
struct testing::internal::AnyOfResult9

template<typename M1, typename M2, typename M3, typename M4, typename M5, typename M6, typename M7, typename M8, typename M9>
struct testing::internal::AnyOfResult9< M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8, M9 >

Definition at line 458 of file gmock-generated-matchers.h.

Class Members
typedef EitherOfMatcher
< typename AnyOfResult4< M1,
M2, M3, M4 >::type, typename
AnyOfResult5< M5, M6, M7, M8,
M9 >::type >
struct testing::internal::BooleanConstant

template<bool kValue>
struct testing::internal::BooleanConstant< kValue >

Definition at line 505 of file gmock-internal-utils.h.

struct testing::internal::CompileAssert

struct testing::internal::CompileAssert< bool >

Definition at line 1029 of file gtest-port.h.

struct testing::internal::CompileAssertTypesEqual

template<typename T1, typename T2>
struct testing::internal::CompileAssertTypesEqual< T1, T2 >

Definition at line 772 of file gtest-internal.h.

struct testing::internal::CompileAssertTypesEqual< T, T >

template<typename T>
struct testing::internal::CompileAssertTypesEqual< T, T >

Definition at line 775 of file gtest-internal.h.

struct testing::internal::DecayArray

template<typename T>
struct testing::internal::DecayArray< T >

Definition at line 353 of file gmock-internal-utils.h.

Class Members
typedef T type
struct testing::internal::DecayArray< T[]>

template<typename T>
struct testing::internal::DecayArray< T[]>

Definition at line 360 of file gmock-internal-utils.h.

Class Members
typedef const T * type
struct testing::internal::DecayArray< T[N]>

template<typename T, size_t N>
struct testing::internal::DecayArray< T[N]>

Definition at line 354 of file gmock-internal-utils.h.

Class Members
typedef const T * type
struct testing::internal::EnableIf

struct testing::internal::EnableIf< bool >

Definition at line 946 of file gtest-internal.h.

struct testing::internal::EnableIf< true >

struct testing::internal::EnableIf< true >

Definition at line 947 of file gtest-internal.h.

Class Members
typedef void type
struct testing::internal::ExcessiveArg

Definition at line 508 of file gmock-generated-actions.h.

struct testing::internal::Function

template<typename F>
struct testing::internal::Function< F >

Definition at line 154 of file gmock-generated-internal-utils.h.

class testing::internal::FunctionMocker

template<typename F>
class testing::internal::FunctionMocker< F >

Definition at line 62 of file gmock-generated-function-mockers.h.

class testing::internal::InvokeHelper

template<typename Result, typename ArgumentTuple>
class testing::internal::InvokeHelper< Result, ArgumentTuple >

Definition at line 51 of file gmock-generated-actions.h.

struct testing::internal::IteratorTraits

template<typename Iterator>
struct testing::internal::IteratorTraits< Iterator >

Definition at line 2219 of file gtest-port.h.

Class Members
typedef value_type value_type
struct testing::internal::IteratorTraits< const T * >

template<typename T>
struct testing::internal::IteratorTraits< const T * >

Definition at line 2229 of file gtest-port.h.

Class Members
typedef T value_type
struct testing::internal::IteratorTraits< T * >

template<typename T>
struct testing::internal::IteratorTraits< T * >

Definition at line 2224 of file gtest-port.h.

Class Members
typedef T value_type
struct testing::internal::KindOf

template<typename T>
struct testing::internal::KindOf< T >

Definition at line 131 of file gmock-internal-utils.h.

Class Members
struct testing::internal::MatcherTuple

template<typename Tuple>
struct testing::internal::MatcherTuple< Tuple >

Definition at line 69 of file gmock-generated-internal-utils.h.

struct testing::internal::MatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1 > >

template<typename A1>
struct testing::internal::MatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1 > >

Definition at line 77 of file gmock-generated-internal-utils.h.

Class Members
typedef ::tuple< Matcher< A1 > > type
struct testing::internal::MatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2 > >

template<typename A1, typename A2>
struct testing::internal::MatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2 > >

Definition at line 82 of file gmock-generated-internal-utils.h.

Class Members
typedef ::tuple< Matcher< A1 >
, Matcher< A2 > >
struct testing::internal::MatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3 > >

template<typename A1, typename A2, typename A3>
struct testing::internal::MatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3 > >

Definition at line 87 of file gmock-generated-internal-utils.h.

Class Members
typedef ::tuple< Matcher< A1 >
, Matcher< A2 >, Matcher< A3 > >
struct testing::internal::MatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4 > >

template<typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename A4>
struct testing::internal::MatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4 > >

Definition at line 92 of file gmock-generated-internal-utils.h.

Class Members
typedef ::tuple< Matcher< A1 >
, Matcher< A2 >, Matcher< A3 >
, Matcher< A4 > >
struct testing::internal::MatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 > >

template<typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename A4, typename A5>
struct testing::internal::MatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 > >

Definition at line 98 of file gmock-generated-internal-utils.h.

Class Members
typedef ::tuple< Matcher< A1 >
, Matcher< A2 >, Matcher< A3 >
, Matcher< A4 >, Matcher< A5 > >
struct testing::internal::MatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 > >

template<typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename A4, typename A5, typename A6>
struct testing::internal::MatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 > >

Definition at line 105 of file gmock-generated-internal-utils.h.

Class Members
typedef ::tuple< Matcher< A1 >
, Matcher< A2 >, Matcher< A3 >
, Matcher< A4 >, Matcher< A5 >
, Matcher< A6 > >
struct testing::internal::MatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7 > >

template<typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename A4, typename A5, typename A6, typename A7>
struct testing::internal::MatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7 > >

Definition at line 112 of file gmock-generated-internal-utils.h.

Class Members
typedef ::tuple< Matcher< A1 >
, Matcher< A2 >, Matcher< A3 >
, Matcher< A4 >, Matcher< A5 >
, Matcher< A6 >, Matcher< A7 > >
struct testing::internal::MatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8 > >

template<typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename A4, typename A5, typename A6, typename A7, typename A8>
struct testing::internal::MatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8 > >

Definition at line 119 of file gmock-generated-internal-utils.h.

Class Members
typedef ::tuple< Matcher< A1 >
, Matcher< A2 >, Matcher< A3 >
, Matcher< A4 >, Matcher< A5 >
, Matcher< A6 >, Matcher< A7 >
, Matcher< A8 > >
struct testing::internal::MatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9 > >

template<typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename A4, typename A5, typename A6, typename A7, typename A8, typename A9>
struct testing::internal::MatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9 > >

Definition at line 126 of file gmock-generated-internal-utils.h.

Class Members
typedef ::tuple< Matcher< A1 >
, Matcher< A2 >, Matcher< A3 >
, Matcher< A4 >, Matcher< A5 >
, Matcher< A6 >, Matcher< A7 >
, Matcher< A8 >, Matcher< A9 > >
struct testing::internal::MatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10 > >

template<typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename A4, typename A5, typename A6, typename A7, typename A8, typename A9, typename A10>
struct testing::internal::MatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10 > >

Definition at line 133 of file gmock-generated-internal-utils.h.

Class Members
typedef ::tuple< Matcher< A1 >
, Matcher< A2 >, Matcher< A3 >
, Matcher< A4 >, Matcher< A5 >
, Matcher< A6 >, Matcher< A7 >
, Matcher< A8 >, Matcher< A9 >
, Matcher< A10 > >
struct testing::internal::MatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple<> >

struct testing::internal::MatcherTuple< ::testing::tuple<> >

Definition at line 72 of file gmock-generated-internal-utils.h.

Class Members
typedef ::tuple< > type
struct testing::internal::PointeeOf

template<typename Pointer>
struct testing::internal::PointeeOf< Pointer >

Definition at line 63 of file gmock-internal-utils.h.

Class Members
typedef element_type type
struct testing::internal::PointeeOf< T * >

template<typename T>
struct testing::internal::PointeeOf< T * >

Definition at line 70 of file gmock-internal-utils.h.

Class Members
typedef T type
class testing::internal::RefMatcher

template<typename T>
class testing::internal::RefMatcher< T >

Definition at line 1029 of file gmock-matchers.h.

struct testing::internal::RelationToSourceCopy

Definition at line 1023 of file gtest-internal.h.

struct testing::internal::RelationToSourceReference

Definition at line 1022 of file gtest-internal.h.

struct testing::internal::remove_reference

template<typename T>
struct testing::internal::remove_reference< T >

Definition at line 348 of file gmock-internal-utils.h.

Class Members
typedef T type
struct testing::internal::remove_reference< T & >

template<typename T>
struct testing::internal::remove_reference< T & >

Definition at line 349 of file gmock-internal-utils.h.

Class Members
typedef T type
struct testing::internal::RemoveConst

template<typename T>
struct testing::internal::RemoveConst< T >

Definition at line 795 of file gtest-internal.h.

Class Members
typedef T type
struct testing::internal::RemoveConst< const T >

template<typename T>
struct testing::internal::RemoveConst< const T >

Definition at line 797 of file gtest-internal.h.

Class Members
typedef T type
struct testing::internal::RemoveConst< const T[N]>

template<typename T, size_t N>
struct testing::internal::RemoveConst< const T[N]>

Definition at line 803 of file gtest-internal.h.

Class Members
typedef RemoveConst< T >::type type
struct testing::internal::RemoveConstFromKey

template<typename T>
struct testing::internal::RemoveConstFromKey< T >

Definition at line 492 of file gmock-internal-utils.h.

Class Members
typedef T type
struct testing::internal::RemoveConstFromKey< std::pair< const K, V > >

template<typename K, typename V>
struct testing::internal::RemoveConstFromKey< std::pair< const K, V > >

Definition at line 498 of file gmock-internal-utils.h.

Class Members
typedef pair< K, V > type
struct testing::internal::RemoveReference

template<typename T>
struct testing::internal::RemoveReference< T >

Definition at line 782 of file gtest-internal.h.

Class Members
typedef T type
struct testing::internal::RemoveReference< T & >

template<typename T>
struct testing::internal::RemoveReference< T & >

Definition at line 784 of file gtest-internal.h.

Class Members
typedef T type
struct testing::internal::StaticAssertTypeEqHelper

template<typename T1, typename T2>
struct testing::internal::StaticAssertTypeEqHelper< T1, T2 >

Definition at line 1084 of file gtest-port.h.

struct testing::internal::StaticAssertTypeEqHelper< T, T >

template<typename T>
struct testing::internal::StaticAssertTypeEqHelper< T, T >

Definition at line 1087 of file gtest-port.h.

Class Members
struct testing::internal::TraceInfo

Definition at line 457 of file gtest-internal-inl.h.

Collaboration diagram for testing::internal::TraceInfo:
Class Members
const char * file
int line
string message
struct testing::internal::TuplePolicy

template<typename TupleT>
struct testing::internal::TuplePolicy< TupleT >

Definition at line 869 of file gtest-printers.h.

class testing::internal::TypeWithSize

template<size_t size>
class testing::internal::TypeWithSize< size >

Definition at line 2461 of file gtest-port.h.

Class Members
typedef void UInt
class testing::internal::TypeWithSize< 4 >

class testing::internal::TypeWithSize< 4 >

Definition at line 2470 of file gtest-port.h.

Class Members
typedef int Int
typedef unsigned int UInt
class testing::internal::TypeWithSize< 8 >

class testing::internal::TypeWithSize< 8 >

Definition at line 2482 of file gtest-port.h.

Class Members
typedef long long Int
typedef unsigned long long UInt

Typedef Documentation

typedef ::std::pair<size_t, size_t> testing::internal::ElementMatcherPair

Definition at line 3297 of file gmock-matchers.h.

Definition at line 3298 of file gmock-matchers.h.

typedef ::std::vector<string> testing::internal::Strings

Definition at line 859 of file gtest-printers.h.

Definition at line 420 of file gtest-internal.h.

Definition at line 421 of file gtest-internal.h.

typedef const void* testing::internal::TypeId

Definition at line 429 of file gtest-internal.h.

typedef void(* testing::internal::SetUpTestCaseFunc) ()

Definition at line 501 of file gtest-internal.h.

typedef void(* testing::internal::TearDownTestCaseFunc) ()

Definition at line 502 of file gtest-internal.h.

Definition at line 930 of file gtest-internal.h.

Definition at line 938 of file gtest-internal.h.

typedef ::std::string testing::internal::string

Definition at line 1097 of file gtest-port.h.

typedef ::std::wstring testing::internal::wstring

Definition at line 1103 of file gtest-port.h.

Definition at line 2159 of file gtest-port.h.

Definition at line 2209 of file gtest-port.h.

Definition at line 2210 of file gtest-port.h.

typedef long long testing::internal::BiggestInt

Definition at line 2241 of file gtest-port.h.

Definition at line 2494 of file gtest-port.h.

Definition at line 2495 of file gtest-port.h.

Definition at line 2496 of file gtest-port.h.

Definition at line 2497 of file gtest-port.h.

Definition at line 2498 of file gtest-port.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 361 of file gmock-spec-builders.h.


Definition at line 126 of file gmock-internal-utils.h.


Definition at line 306 of file gmock-internal-utils.h.


Definition at line 1244 of file gtest-port.h.

Function Documentation

testing::internal::GMOCK_DEFINE_DEFAULT_ACTION_FOR_RETURN_TYPE_ ( ::std::string  ,
testing::internal::GMOCK_DEFINE_DEFAULT_ACTION_FOR_RETURN_TYPE_ ( unsigned  char,
testing::internal::GMOCK_DEFINE_DEFAULT_ACTION_FOR_RETURN_TYPE_ ( signed  char,
testing::internal::GMOCK_DEFINE_DEFAULT_ACTION_FOR_RETURN_TYPE_ ( unsigned  short,
testing::internal::GMOCK_DEFINE_DEFAULT_ACTION_FOR_RETURN_TYPE_ ( signed  short,
testing::internal::GMOCK_DEFINE_DEFAULT_ACTION_FOR_RETURN_TYPE_ ( unsigned  long,
testing::internal::GMOCK_DEFINE_DEFAULT_ACTION_FOR_RETURN_TYPE_ ( signed  long,
testing::internal::GMOCK_DEFINE_DEFAULT_ACTION_FOR_RETURN_TYPE_ ( float  ,
testing::internal::GMOCK_DEFINE_DEFAULT_ACTION_FOR_RETURN_TYPE_ ( double  ,
template<typename T >
void testing::internal::PrintTo ( const ReferenceWrapper< T > &  ref,
::std::ostream *  os 

Definition at line 964 of file gmock-actions.h.

References testing::internal::UniversalPrinter< T >::Print().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void testing::internal::PrintIfNotEmpty ( const internal::string explanation,
::std::ostream *  os 
bool testing::internal::IsReadableTypeName ( const string type_name)

Definition at line 688 of file gmock-matchers.h.

Referenced by MatchPrintAndExplain().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename Value , typename T >
bool testing::internal::MatchPrintAndExplain ( Value value,
const Matcher< T > &  matcher,
MatchResultListener listener 
template<typename MatcherTuple , typename ValueTuple >
bool testing::internal::TupleMatches ( const MatcherTuple matcher_tuple,
const ValueTuple &  value_tuple 

Definition at line 796 of file gmock-matchers.h.


Referenced by testing::internal::OnCallSpec< F >::Matches().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename MatcherTuple , typename ValueTuple >
void testing::internal::ExplainMatchFailureTupleTo ( const MatcherTuple matchers,
const ValueTuple &  values,
::std::ostream *  os 

Definition at line 810 of file gmock-matchers.h.

template<typename Tuple , typename Func , typename OutIter >
OutIter testing::internal::TransformTupleValues ( Func  f,
const Tuple &  t,
OutIter  out 
bool testing::internal::CaseInsensitiveCStringEquals ( const char *  lhs,
const char *  rhs 

Definition at line 1090 of file gmock-matchers.h.

References CaseInsensitiveCStringEquals().

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool testing::internal::CaseInsensitiveCStringEquals ( const wchar_t *  lhs,
const wchar_t *  rhs 

Definition at line 1094 of file gmock-matchers.h.

Referenced by CaseInsensitiveCStringEquals(), and CaseInsensitiveStringEquals().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename StringType >
bool testing::internal::CaseInsensitiveStringEquals ( const StringType &  s1,
const StringType &  s2 

Definition at line 1102 of file gmock-matchers.h.

References CaseInsensitiveCStringEquals().

Referenced by testing::internal::StrEqualityMatcher< StringType >::MatchAndExplain().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename M >
PredicateFormatterFromMatcher<M> testing::internal::MakePredicateFormatterFromMatcher ( matcher)

Definition at line 1879 of file gmock-matchers.h.

References move().

Here is the call graph for this function:

GTEST_API_ ElementMatcherPairs testing::internal::FindMaxBipartiteMatching ( const MatchMatrix g)
GTEST_API_ bool testing::internal::FindPairing ( const MatchMatrix matrix,
MatchResultListener listener 

Referenced by testing::internal::UnorderedElementsAreMatcherImpl< Container >::MatchAndExplain().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename Tuple2Matcher , typename Second >
BoundSecondMatcher<Tuple2Matcher, Second> testing::internal::MatcherBindSecond ( const Tuple2Matcher &  tm,
const Second &  second 

Definition at line 3612 of file gmock-matchers.h.

References FormatMatcherDescription(), and GTEST_API_.

Referenced by testing::UnorderedPointwise().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

GTEST_API_ string testing::internal::FormatMatcherDescription ( bool  negation,
const char *  matcher_name,
const Strings param_values 

Referenced by MatcherBindSecond().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename InputIterator , typename OutputIterator >
OutputIterator testing::internal::CopyElements ( InputIterator  first,
InputIterator  last,
OutputIterator  output 

Definition at line 98 of file gmock-more-actions.h.

Referenced by testing::ACTION_TEMPLATE().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

GTEST_API_ testing::internal::GTEST_DECLARE_STATIC_MUTEX_ ( g_gmock_mutex  )
GTEST_API_ void testing::internal::LogWithLocation ( testing::internal::LogSeverity  severity,
const char *  file,
int  line,
const string message 
void testing::internal::ReportUninterestingCall ( CallReaction  reaction,
const string msg 
GTEST_API_ string testing::internal::ConvertIdentifierNameToWords ( const char *  id_name)
template<typename Pointer >
const Pointer::element_type* testing::internal::GetRawPointer ( const Pointer &  p)
template<typename Element >
Element* testing::internal::GetRawPointer ( Element *  p)

Definition at line 81 of file gmock-internal-utils.h.

testing::internal::GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_ ( bool  ,
testing::internal::GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_ ( char  ,
testing::internal::GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_ ( signed  char,
testing::internal::GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_ ( unsigned  char,
testing::internal::GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_ ( short  ,
testing::internal::GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_ ( int  ,
testing::internal::GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_ ( long  ,
testing::internal::GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_ ( wchar_t  ,
testing::internal::GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_ ( Int64  ,
testing::internal::GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_ ( UInt64  ,
testing::internal::GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_ ( float  ,
testing::internal::GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_ ( double  ,
testing::internal::GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_ ( long  double,
template<typename From , typename To >
void testing::internal::Assert ( bool  condition,
const char *  file,
int  line 
void testing::internal::Expect ( bool  condition,
const char *  file,
int  line,
const string msg 
void testing::internal::Expect ( bool  condition,
const char *  file,
int  line 

Definition at line 301 of file gmock-internal-utils.h.

References Expect().

Here is the call graph for this function:

GTEST_API_ bool testing::internal::LogIsVisible ( LogSeverity  severity)
GTEST_API_ void testing::internal::Log ( LogSeverity  severity,
const string message,
int  stack_frames_to_skip 
template<typename T >
T testing::internal::Invalid ( )

Definition at line 377 of file gmock-internal-utils.h.

References Assert().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
std::string testing::internal::StreamableToString ( const T &  streamable)

Definition at line 243 of file gtest-message.h.

Referenced by testing::internal::TestResultAccessor::test_part_results().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

testing::internal::GTEST_IMPL_FORMAT_C_STRING_AS_POINTER_ ( char  )
testing::internal::GTEST_IMPL_FORMAT_C_STRING_AS_POINTER_ ( wchar_t  )
testing::internal::GTEST_IMPL_FORMAT_C_STRING_AS_STRING_ ( char  ,
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
std::string testing::internal::FormatForComparisonFailureMessage ( const T1 &  value,
const T2 &   

Definition at line 349 of file gtest-printers.h.

Referenced by CmpHelperEQFailure(), and CmpHelperOpFailure().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
void testing::internal::UniversalPrint ( const T &  value,
::std::ostream *  os 

Definition at line 852 of file gtest-printers.h.

Referenced by DefaultPrintTo(), testing::internal::StrEqualityMatcher< StringType >::DescribeNegationTo(), testing::internal::HasSubstrMatcher< StringType >::DescribeNegationTo(), testing::internal::StartsWithMatcher< StringType >::DescribeNegationTo(), testing::internal::EndsWithMatcher< StringType >::DescribeNegationTo(), testing::internal::ContainerEqMatcher< Container >::DescribeNegationTo(), testing::internal::PointwiseMatcher< TupleMatcher, RhsContainer >::Impl< LhsContainer >::DescribeNegationTo(), testing::internal::HasSubstrMatcher< StringType >::DescribeTo(), testing::internal::StartsWithMatcher< StringType >::DescribeTo(), testing::internal::EndsWithMatcher< StringType >::DescribeTo(), testing::internal::ContainerEqMatcher< Container >::DescribeTo(), testing::internal::TuplePrefix< N >::ExplainMatchFailuresTo(), testing::internal::ContainerEqMatcher< Container >::MatchAndExplain(), testing::internal::WhenSortedByMatcher< Comparator, ContainerMatcher >::Impl< LhsContainer >::MatchAndExplain(), testing::internal::PointwiseMatcher< TupleMatcher, RhsContainer >::Impl< LhsContainer >::MatchAndExplain(), MatchPrintAndExplain(), testing::internal::ComparisonBase< LtMatcher< Rhs >, Rhs, AnyLt >::operator Matcher< Lhs >(), testing::internal::BoundSecondMatcher< Tuple2Matcher, Second >::operator=(), testing::internal::UniversalPrinter< T & >::Print(), testing::internal::UniversalTersePrinter< T >::Print(), testing::internal::UniversalTersePrinter< T & >::Print(), testing::internal::UniversalTersePrinter< const char * >::Print(), testing::internal::UniversalTersePrinter< char * >::Print(), and PrintRawArrayTo().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename C >
void testing::internal::DefaultPrintTo ( IsContainer  ,
false_type  ,
const C &  container,
::std::ostream *  os 

Definition at line 370 of file gtest-printers.h.

References UniversalPrint().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
void testing::internal::DefaultPrintTo ( IsNotContainer  ,
true_type  ,
T *  p,
::std::ostream *  os 

Definition at line 404 of file gtest-printers.h.

References IsTrue().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
void testing::internal::DefaultPrintTo ( IsNotContainer  ,
false_type  ,
const T &  value,
::std::ostream *  os 

Definition at line 436 of file gtest-printers.h.

References testing_internal::DefaultPrintNonContainerTo().

Referenced by PrintTo().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
void testing::internal::PrintTo ( const T &  value,
::std::ostream *  os 

Definition at line 454 of file gtest-printers.h.

References DefaultPrintTo(), GTEST_API_, and PrintTo().

Here is the call graph for this function:

GTEST_API_ void testing::internal::PrintTo ( unsigned char  c,
::std::ostream *  os 
GTEST_API_ void testing::internal::PrintTo ( signed char  c,
::std::ostream *  os 
void testing::internal::PrintTo ( char  c,
::std::ostream *  os 

Definition at line 487 of file gtest-printers.h.

References PrintTo().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void testing::internal::PrintTo ( bool  x,
::std::ostream *  os 

Definition at line 495 of file gtest-printers.h.

References GTEST_API_, and PrintTo().

Here is the call graph for this function:

GTEST_API_ void testing::internal::PrintTo ( wchar_t  wc,
::std::ostream *  os 
GTEST_API_ void testing::internal::PrintTo ( const char *  s,
::std::ostream *  os 
void testing::internal::PrintTo ( char *  s,
::std::ostream *  os 

Definition at line 510 of file gtest-printers.h.

References PrintTo().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void testing::internal::PrintTo ( const signed char *  s,
::std::ostream *  os 

Definition at line 516 of file gtest-printers.h.

References PrintTo().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void testing::internal::PrintTo ( signed char *  s,
::std::ostream *  os 

Definition at line 519 of file gtest-printers.h.

References PrintTo().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void testing::internal::PrintTo ( const unsigned char *  s,
::std::ostream *  os 

Definition at line 522 of file gtest-printers.h.

References PrintTo().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void testing::internal::PrintTo ( unsigned char *  s,
::std::ostream *  os 

Definition at line 525 of file gtest-printers.h.

References GTEST_API_, and PrintTo().

Here is the call graph for this function:

GTEST_API_ void testing::internal::PrintTo ( const wchar_t *  s,
::std::ostream *  os 
void testing::internal::PrintTo ( wchar_t *  s,
::std::ostream *  os 

Definition at line 537 of file gtest-printers.h.

References PrintTo().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
void testing::internal::PrintRawArrayTo ( const T  a[],
size_t  count,
::std::ostream *  os 

Definition at line 548 of file gtest-printers.h.

References GTEST_API_, PrintStringTo(), PrintTo(), and UniversalPrint().

Referenced by UniversalPrintArray().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

GTEST_API_ void testing::internal::PrintStringTo ( const ::std::string &  s,
::std::ostream *  os 

Referenced by PrintRawArrayTo(), and PrintTo().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void testing::internal::PrintTo ( const ::std::string &  s,
::std::ostream *  os 

Definition at line 565 of file gtest-printers.h.

References GTEST_API_, PrintStringTo(), and PrintTo().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
void testing::internal::PrintTo ( const ::std::pair< T1, T2 > &  value,
::std::ostream *  os 

Definition at line 676 of file gtest-printers.h.


Referenced by testing::internal::UniversalPrinter< T >::Print(), PrintRawArrayTo(), and PrintTo().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
void testing::internal::UniversalPrintArray ( const T *  begin,
size_t  len,
::std::ostream *  os 

Definition at line 716 of file gtest-printers.h.

References GTEST_API_, PrintRawArrayTo(), and UniversalPrintArray().

Here is the call graph for this function:

GTEST_API_ void testing::internal::UniversalPrintArray ( const char *  begin,
size_t  len,
::std::ostream *  os 
GTEST_API_ void testing::internal::UniversalPrintArray ( const wchar_t *  begin,
size_t  len,
::std::ostream *  os 

Referenced by testing::internal::UniversalPrinter< T[N]>::Print(), and UniversalPrintArray().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
void testing::internal::UniversalTersePrint ( const T &  value,
::std::ostream *  os 

Definition at line 843 of file gtest-printers.h.

UnitTestImpl * testing::internal::GetUnitTestImpl ( )

Definition at line 927 of file gtest-internal-inl.h.

References testing::UnitTest::GetInstance(), GTEST_API_, GTEST_CHECK_, IsDigit(), and ParseGoogleTestFlagsOnly().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void testing::internal::ReportFailureInUnknownLocation ( TestPartResult::Type  result_type,
const std::string &  message 
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
AssertionResult testing::internal::CmpHelperEQFailure ( const char *  lhs_expression,
const char *  rhs_expression,
const T1 &  lhs,
const T2 &  rhs 

Definition at line 1375 of file gtest.h.

References EqFailure(), and FormatForComparisonFailureMessage().

Referenced by CmpHelperEQ().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
AssertionResult testing::internal::CmpHelperEQ ( const char *  lhs_expression,
const char *  rhs_expression,
const T1 &  lhs,
const T2 &  rhs 

Definition at line 1387 of file gtest.h.

References testing::AssertionSuccess(), CmpHelperEQFailure(), GTEST_API_, GTEST_DISABLE_MSC_WARNINGS_POP_, and GTEST_DISABLE_MSC_WARNINGS_PUSH_.

Referenced by testing::internal::EqHelper< lhs_is_null_literal >::Compare(), and testing::internal::EqHelper< true >::Compare().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

GTEST_API_ AssertionResult testing::internal::CmpHelperEQ ( const char *  lhs_expression,
const char *  rhs_expression,
BiggestInt  lhs,
BiggestInt  rhs 
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
AssertionResult testing::internal::CmpHelperOpFailure ( const char *  expr1,
const char *  expr2,
const T1 &  val1,
const T2 &  val2,
const char *  op 

Definition at line 1486 of file gtest.h.

References testing::AssertionFailure(), and FormatForComparisonFailureMessage().

Here is the call graph for this function:

testing::internal::GTEST_IMPL_CMP_HELPER_ ( NE  ,
testing::internal::GTEST_IMPL_CMP_HELPER_ ( LE  ,
testing::internal::GTEST_IMPL_CMP_HELPER_ ( LT  )
testing::internal::GTEST_IMPL_CMP_HELPER_ ( GE  ,
testing::internal::GTEST_IMPL_CMP_HELPER_ ( GT  )
GTEST_API_ AssertionResult testing::internal::CmpHelperSTREQ ( const char *  s1_expression,
const char *  s2_expression,
const char *  s1,
const char *  s2 
GTEST_API_ AssertionResult testing::internal::CmpHelperSTRCASEEQ ( const char *  s1_expression,
const char *  s2_expression,
const char *  s1,
const char *  s2 
GTEST_API_ AssertionResult testing::internal::CmpHelperSTRNE ( const char *  s1_expression,
const char *  s2_expression,
const char *  s1,
const char *  s2 
GTEST_API_ AssertionResult testing::internal::CmpHelperSTRCASENE ( const char *  s1_expression,
const char *  s2_expression,
const char *  s1,
const char *  s2 
GTEST_API_ AssertionResult testing::internal::CmpHelperSTREQ ( const char *  s1_expression,
const char *  s2_expression,
const wchar_t *  s1,
const wchar_t *  s2 
GTEST_API_ AssertionResult testing::internal::CmpHelperSTRNE ( const char *  s1_expression,
const char *  s2_expression,
const wchar_t *  s1,
const wchar_t *  s2 
template<typename RawType >
AssertionResult testing::internal::CmpHelperFloatingPointEQ ( const char *  lhs_expression,
const char *  rhs_expression,
RawType  lhs_value,
RawType  rhs_value 

Definition at line 1631 of file gtest.h.

References testing::AssertionSuccess(), DoubleNearPredFormat(), EqFailure(), GTEST_API_, and StringStreamToString().

Here is the call graph for this function:

GTEST_API_ AssertionResult testing::internal::DoubleNearPredFormat ( const char *  expr1,
const char *  expr2,
const char *  abs_error_expr,
double  val1,
double  val2,
double  abs_error 

Referenced by CmpHelperFloatingPointEQ().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

testing::internal::GTEST_DECLARE_string_ ( internal_run_death_test  )
char testing::internal::IsNullLiteralHelper ( Secret *  p)
char(& testing::internal::IsNullLiteralHelper (   ...) )[2]
GTEST_API_ std::string testing::internal::AppendUserMessage ( const std::string &  gtest_msg,
const Message user_msg 
GTEST_API_ std::string testing::internal::DiffStrings ( const std::string &  left,
const std::string &  right,
size_t *  total_line_count 
GTEST_API_ AssertionResult testing::internal::EqFailure ( const char *  expected_expression,
const char *  actual_expression,
const std::string &  expected_value,
const std::string &  actual_value,
bool  ignoring_case 

Referenced by CmpHelperEQFailure(), and CmpHelperFloatingPointEQ().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

GTEST_API_ std::string testing::internal::GetBoolAssertionFailureMessage ( const AssertionResult assertion_result,
const char *  expression_text,
const char *  actual_predicate_value,
const char *  expected_predicate_value 
template<typename T >
TypeId testing::internal::GetTypeId ( )

Definition at line 447 of file gtest-internal.h.

References GetTestTypeId(), and GTEST_API_.

Here is the call graph for this function:

GTEST_API_ TypeId testing::internal::GetTestTypeId ( )

Referenced by GetTypeId().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

GTEST_API_ TestInfo* testing::internal::MakeAndRegisterTestInfo ( const char *  test_case_name,
const char *  name,
const char *  type_param,
const char *  value_param,
CodeLocation  code_location,
TypeId  fixture_class_id,
SetUpTestCaseFunc  set_up_tc,
TearDownTestCaseFunc  tear_down_tc,
TestFactoryBase factory 
GTEST_API_ bool testing::internal::SkipPrefix ( const char *  prefix,
const char **  pstr 
GTEST_API_ std::string testing::internal::GetCurrentOsStackTraceExceptTop ( UnitTest unit_test,
int  skip_count 
GTEST_API_ bool testing::internal::AlwaysTrue ( )

Referenced by AlwaysFalse().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool testing::internal::AlwaysFalse ( )

Definition at line 736 of file gtest-internal.h.

References AlwaysTrue().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<class C >
IsContainer testing::internal::IsContainerTest ( int  ,
typename C::iterator *  = NULL,
typename C::const_iterator *  = NULL 

Definition at line 932 of file gtest-internal.h.

template<class C >
IsNotContainer testing::internal::IsContainerTest ( long  )

Definition at line 940 of file gtest-internal.h.

template<typename T , typename U >
bool testing::internal::ArrayEq ( const T *  lhs,
size_t  size,
const U *  rhs 

Definition at line 972 of file gtest-internal.h.

References ArrayEq().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T , typename U >
bool testing::internal::ArrayEq ( const T &  lhs,
const U &  rhs 

Definition at line 960 of file gtest-internal.h.

template<typename T , typename U , size_t N>
bool testing::internal::ArrayEq ( const T(&)  lhs[N],
const U(&)  rhs[N] 

Definition at line 964 of file gtest-internal.h.

Referenced by ArrayAwareFind(), ArrayEq(), and testing::internal::NativeArray< Element >::operator==().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename Iter , typename Element >
Iter testing::internal::ArrayAwareFind ( Iter  begin,
Iter  end,
const Element &  elem 

Definition at line 983 of file gtest-internal.h.

References ArrayEq(), and CopyArray().

Referenced by testing::internal::ContainerEqMatcher< Container >::MatchAndExplain().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T , typename U >
void testing::internal::CopyArray ( const T *  from,
size_t  size,
U *  to 

Definition at line 1012 of file gtest-internal.h.

References CopyArray().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T , typename U >
void testing::internal::CopyArray ( const T &  from,
U *  to 

Definition at line 1000 of file gtest-internal.h.

template<typename T , typename U , size_t N>
void testing::internal::CopyArray ( const T(&)  from[N],
U(*)  to[N] 

Definition at line 1004 of file gtest-internal.h.

Referenced by ArrayAwareFind(), CopyArray(), and testing::internal::NativeArray< Element >::operator==().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

GTEST_API_ testing::internal::GTEST_DECLARE_STATIC_MUTEX_ ( g_linked_ptr_mutex  )
template<typename T >
bool testing::internal::operator== ( T *  ptr,
const linked_ptr< T > &  x 

Definition at line 223 of file gtest-linked_ptr.h.

References testing::internal::linked_ptr< T >::get().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool testing::internal::operator!= ( T *  ptr,
const linked_ptr< T > &  x 

Definition at line 228 of file gtest-linked_ptr.h.

References testing::internal::linked_ptr< T >::get().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
linked_ptr<T> testing::internal::make_linked_ptr ( T *  ptr)

Definition at line 236 of file gtest-linked_ptr.h.

GTEST_API_ bool testing::internal::IsTrue ( bool  condition)

Referenced by DefaultPrintTo(), and testing::internal::scoped_ptr< const ::std::string >::reset().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

GTEST_API_ ::std::string testing::internal::FormatFileLocation ( const char *  file,
int  line 

Referenced by testing::internal::ExpectationBase::DescribeLocationTo(), and testing::internal::RE::PartialMatch().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

GTEST_API_ ::std::string testing::internal::FormatCompilerIndependentFileLocation ( const char *  file,
int  line 

Referenced by testing::internal::RE::PartialMatch().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void testing::internal::LogToStderr ( )

Definition at line 1275 of file gtest-port.h.

void testing::internal::FlushInfoLog ( )

Definition at line 1276 of file gtest-port.h.

template<typename T >
const T& testing::internal::move ( const T &  t)

Definition at line 1317 of file gtest-port.h.

Referenced by v8toolkit::V8ClassWrapper< T, V8TOOLKIT_V8CLASSWRAPPER_USE_REAL_TEMPLATE_SFINAE >::add_constructor(), testing::ByMove(), v8toolkit::V8ClassWrapper< T, V8TOOLKIT_V8CLASSWRAPPER_USE_REAL_TEMPLATE_SFINAE >::handle_getter_result(), MakePredicateFormatterFromMatcher(), testing::internal::ReturnAction< R >::operator Action< F >(), v8toolkit::ParameterBuilder< T &, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v< std::remove_const_t< T >, char > &&!is_wrapped_type_v< T > > >::operator()(), v8toolkit::CastToNative< eastl::vector_set< T, Args... > >::operator()(), v8toolkit::ParameterBuilder< T &&, std::enable_if_t<!is_wrapped_type_v< T > > >::operator()(), v8toolkit::CallCallable< func::function< ReturnType(Args...)> >::operator()(), v8toolkit::CallCallable< func::function< void(Args...)> >::operator()(), v8toolkit::ParameterBuilder< char * >::operator()(), v8toolkit::enable_if_t<!std::is_reference< std::result_of_t< CastToNative< std::remove_const_t< std::remove_reference_t< Container< char *, Rest... > > > >(v8::Isolate *, v8::Local< v8::Value >)> >::value >::operator()(), v8toolkit::ParameterBuilder< char const * >::operator()(), v8toolkit::CastToJS< std::unique_ptr< T, Rest... >, std::enable_if_t<!is_wrapped_type_v< T > > >::operator()(), v8toolkit::CastToJS< T, std::enable_if_t< is_wrapped_type_v< T > > >::operator()(), v8toolkit::CastToJS< T &&, std::enable_if_t< is_wrapped_type_v< T > > >::operator()(), v8toolkit::CastToNative< T &&, std::enable_if_t< is_wrapped_type_v< T > > >::operator()(), v8toolkit::ParameterBuilder< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_reference_v< T > &&is_wrapped_type_v< std::remove_reference_t< T > > > >::operator()(), WrappedClass::parse_all_methods(), testing::internal::ActionResultHolder< T >::PerformAction(), testing::Return(), v8toolkit::safe_move_constructor(), v8toolkit::stringify_value(), v8toolkit::Stuff< T >::stuffer(), TEST_F(), testing::internal::ReferenceOrValueWrapper< T >::Unwrap(), and WrappedClassFixture::WrappedClassFixture().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename To >
To testing::internal::ImplicitCast_ ( To  x)

Definition at line 1343 of file gtest-port.h.

template<typename To , typename From >
To testing::internal::DownCast_ ( From *  f)
template<class Derived , class Base >
Derived* testing::internal::CheckedDowncastToActualType ( Base *  base)
GTEST_API_ void testing::internal::CaptureStdout ( )

Referenced by CheckedDowncastToActualType().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

GTEST_API_ std::string testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout ( )

Referenced by CheckedDowncastToActualType().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

GTEST_API_ void testing::internal::CaptureStderr ( )

Referenced by CheckedDowncastToActualType().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

GTEST_API_ std::string testing::internal::GetCapturedStderr ( )

Referenced by CheckedDowncastToActualType().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

GTEST_API_ std::string testing::internal::TempDir ( )

Referenced by CheckedDowncastToActualType().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

GTEST_API_ size_t testing::internal::GetFileSize ( FILE *  file)

Referenced by CheckedDowncastToActualType(), and v8toolkit::get_file_contents().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

GTEST_API_ std::string testing::internal::ReadEntireFile ( FILE *  file)

Referenced by CheckedDowncastToActualType().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

GTEST_API_ const ::std::vector<testing::internal::string>& testing::internal::GetArgvs ( )

Referenced by CheckedDowncastToActualType().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

GTEST_API_ size_t testing::internal::GetThreadCount ( )

Referenced by testing::internal::ThreadLocal< testing::TestPartResultReporterInterface * >::set().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool testing::internal::IsAlpha ( char  ch)

Definition at line 2251 of file gtest-port.h.

bool testing::internal::IsAlNum ( char  ch)

Definition at line 2254 of file gtest-port.h.

bool testing::internal::IsDigit ( char  ch)

Definition at line 2257 of file gtest-port.h.

Referenced by GetUnitTestImpl().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool testing::internal::IsLower ( char  ch)

Definition at line 2260 of file gtest-port.h.

bool testing::internal::IsSpace ( char  ch)

Definition at line 2263 of file gtest-port.h.

Referenced by StripTrailingSpaces().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool testing::internal::IsUpper ( char  ch)

Definition at line 2266 of file gtest-port.h.

bool testing::internal::IsXDigit ( char  ch)

Definition at line 2269 of file gtest-port.h.

bool testing::internal::IsXDigit ( wchar_t  ch)

Definition at line 2272 of file gtest-port.h.

char testing::internal::ToLower ( char  ch)

Definition at line 2277 of file gtest-port.h.

char testing::internal::ToUpper ( char  ch)

Definition at line 2280 of file gtest-port.h.

std::string testing::internal::StripTrailingSpaces ( std::string  str)

Definition at line 2284 of file gtest-port.h.

References IsSpace().

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool testing::internal::ParseInt32 ( const Message src_text,
const char *  str,
Int32 value 
bool testing::internal::BoolFromGTestEnv ( const char *  flag,
bool  default_val 
GTEST_API_ Int32 testing::internal::Int32FromGTestEnv ( const char *  flag,
Int32  default_val 
std::string testing::internal::StringFromGTestEnv ( const char *  flag,
const char *  default_val 
GTEST_API_ std::string testing::internal::StringStreamToString ( ::std::stringstream *  stream)

Referenced by CmpHelperFloatingPointEQ().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
std::string testing::internal::GetTypeName ( )

Definition at line 64 of file gtest-type-util.h.

GTEST_API_ TimeInMillis testing::internal::GetTimeInMillis ( )

Referenced by GetRandomSeedFromFlag().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

GTEST_API_ bool testing::internal::ShouldUseColor ( bool  stdout_is_tty)
GTEST_API_ std::string testing::internal::FormatTimeInMillisAsSeconds ( TimeInMillis  ms)
GTEST_API_ std::string testing::internal::FormatEpochTimeInMillisAsIso8601 ( TimeInMillis  ms)
GTEST_API_ bool testing::internal::ParseInt32Flag ( const char *  str,
const char *  flag,
Int32 value 
int testing::internal::GetRandomSeedFromFlag ( Int32  random_seed_flag)

Definition at line 136 of file gtest-internal-inl.h.

References GetTimeInMillis().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int testing::internal::GetNextRandomSeed ( int  seed)

Definition at line 152 of file gtest-internal-inl.h.

References GTEST_CHECK_.

GTEST_API_ std::string testing::internal::CodePointToUtf8 ( UInt32  code_point)

Referenced by testing::internal::GTestFlagSaver::~GTestFlagSaver().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

GTEST_API_ std::string testing::internal::WideStringToUtf8 ( const wchar_t *  str,
int  num_chars 

Referenced by testing::internal::GTestFlagSaver::~GTestFlagSaver().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void testing::internal::WriteToShardStatusFileIfNeeded ( )

Referenced by testing::internal::GTestFlagSaver::~GTestFlagSaver().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

GTEST_API_ bool testing::internal::ShouldShard ( const char *  total_shards_str,
const char *  shard_index_str,
bool  in_subprocess_for_death_test 

Referenced by testing::internal::GTestFlagSaver::~GTestFlagSaver().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

GTEST_API_ Int32 testing::internal::Int32FromEnvOrDie ( const char *  env_var,
Int32  default_val 

Referenced by testing::internal::GTestFlagSaver::~GTestFlagSaver().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

GTEST_API_ bool testing::internal::ShouldRunTestOnShard ( int  total_shards,
int  shard_index,
int  test_id 

Referenced by testing::internal::GTestFlagSaver::~GTestFlagSaver().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<class Container , typename Predicate >
int testing::internal::CountIf ( const Container &  c,
Predicate  predicate 

Definition at line 283 of file gtest-internal-inl.h.

template<class Container , typename Functor >
void testing::internal::ForEach ( const Container &  c,
Functor  functor 

Definition at line 296 of file gtest-internal-inl.h.

Referenced by testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::ClearNonAdHocTestResult().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename E >
E testing::internal::GetElementOr ( const std::vector< E > &  v,
int  i,

Definition at line 303 of file gtest-internal-inl.h.

Referenced by testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::GetMutableTestCase(), and testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::GetTestCase().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename E >
void testing::internal::ShuffleRange ( internal::Random random,
int  begin,
int  end,
std::vector< E > *  v 

Definition at line 312 of file gtest-internal-inl.h.

References testing::internal::Random::Generate(), GTEST_CHECK_, and func::swap().

Referenced by Shuffle().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename E >
void testing::internal::Shuffle ( internal::Random random,
std::vector< E > *  v 

Definition at line 333 of file gtest-internal-inl.h.

References ShuffleRange().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
static void testing::internal::Delete ( T *  x)

Definition at line 340 of file gtest-internal-inl.h.

GTEST_API_ FilePath testing::internal::GetCurrentExecutableName ( )
GTEST_API_ void testing::internal::ParseGoogleTestFlagsOnly ( int *  argc,
char **  argv 

Referenced by GetUnitTestImpl().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

GTEST_API_ void testing::internal::ParseGoogleTestFlagsOnly ( int *  argc,
wchar_t **  argv 

Variable Documentation

GTEST_API_ ThreadLocal<Sequence*> testing::internal::g_gmock_implicit_sequence
const char testing::internal::kInfoVerbosity[] = "info"

Definition at line 314 of file gmock-internal-utils.h.

const char testing::internal::kWarningVerbosity[] = "warning"

Definition at line 316 of file gmock-internal-utils.h.

const char testing::internal::kErrorVerbosity[] = "error"

Definition at line 318 of file gmock-internal-utils.h.

const char testing::internal::kDeathTestStyleFlag[] = "death_test_style"

Definition at line 50 of file gtest-death-test-internal.h.

const char testing::internal::kDeathTestUseFork[] = "death_test_use_fork"

Definition at line 51 of file gtest-death-test-internal.h.

const char testing::internal::kInternalRunDeathTestFlag[] = "internal_run_death_test"

Definition at line 52 of file gtest-death-test-internal.h.

GTEST_API_ const char testing::internal::kStackTraceMarker[]
class testing::internal::GTestFlagSaver testing::internal::GTEST_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED_
const BiggestInt testing::internal::kMaxBiggestInt
Initial value:
~(static_cast<BiggestInt>(1) << (8*sizeof(BiggestInt) - 1))
long long BiggestInt
Definition: gtest-port.h:2241

Definition at line 2439 of file gtest-port.h.

GTEST_API_ const TypeId testing::internal::kTestTypeIdInGoogleTest
const char testing::internal::kAlsoRunDisabledTestsFlag[] = "also_run_disabled_tests"

Definition at line 89 of file gtest-internal-inl.h.

const char testing::internal::kBreakOnFailureFlag[] = "break_on_failure"

Definition at line 90 of file gtest-internal-inl.h.

const char testing::internal::kCatchExceptionsFlag[] = "catch_exceptions"

Definition at line 91 of file gtest-internal-inl.h.

const char testing::internal::kColorFlag[] = "color"

Definition at line 92 of file gtest-internal-inl.h.

const char testing::internal::kFilterFlag[] = "filter"

Definition at line 93 of file gtest-internal-inl.h.

const char testing::internal::kListTestsFlag[] = "list_tests"

Definition at line 94 of file gtest-internal-inl.h.

const char testing::internal::kOutputFlag[] = "output"

Definition at line 95 of file gtest-internal-inl.h.

const char testing::internal::kPrintTimeFlag[] = "print_time"

Definition at line 96 of file gtest-internal-inl.h.

const char testing::internal::kRandomSeedFlag[] = "random_seed"

Definition at line 97 of file gtest-internal-inl.h.

const char testing::internal::kRepeatFlag[] = "repeat"

Definition at line 98 of file gtest-internal-inl.h.

const char testing::internal::kShuffleFlag[] = "shuffle"

Definition at line 99 of file gtest-internal-inl.h.

const char testing::internal::kStackTraceDepthFlag[] = "stack_trace_depth"

Definition at line 100 of file gtest-internal-inl.h.

const char testing::internal::kStreamResultToFlag[] = "stream_result_to"

Definition at line 101 of file gtest-internal-inl.h.

const char testing::internal::kThrowOnFailureFlag[] = "throw_on_failure"

Definition at line 102 of file gtest-internal-inl.h.

const char testing::internal::kFlagfileFlag[] = "flagfile"

Definition at line 103 of file gtest-internal-inl.h.

const int testing::internal::kMaxRandomSeed = 99999

Definition at line 106 of file gtest-internal-inl.h.

GTEST_API_ bool testing::internal::g_help_flag